Ultrafast broadband and the Openreach rollout.
Openreach, the UK’s largest network provider, has delivered Ultrafast Broadband to more than 6 million homes and businesses across the country.
Ultrafast Broadband, considered to be broadband up to and in excess of 300Mbps, is now available to 53% of UK properties. This is an increase of 4% since previous figures were released in December 2018.
Ultrafast Broadband is the delivery of two products utilising different technologies. Gfast uses existing copper phone lines and is only available if the premises is close to an Openreach street cabinet or newly installed ‘node.’ The other ‘full-fibre’ is the Openreach installation of Fibre to the Premises or FTTP. Nationwide coverage of full fibre is expected by 2033 with government funding confirmed last year and OptaNet are assisting businesses utilising the Gigabit Voucher Scheme.
Checking to see if you can go Ultrafast.
Contact us or use the BT DSL Checker.
Just call 0203 475 3611 and one of our team will check to see if you can receive an Ultrafast Broadband product. Alternatively you can use the BT DSL Checker. If either FTTP or G.fast is shown then it is available to you. Please note that FTTPoD is not the same product as FTTP.
The future of Ultrafast Broadband.
FTTP – the end game of internet products.
Since the internet began, businesses have switched to new products when infrastructure upgrades have taken place. Once a building is connected to fibre though, there’s no need to switch again.
All you will do in future is increase your download speeds as and when your business needs to. We allow this right now with FibreFlex, and you can increase your download speeds to our Ultrafast FTTP 1Gbps product.