What happens at every stage of a leased line installation?
Leased lines are the pinnacle of internet products. But in order to get your own dedicated leased line, there are more stages than you probably imagine. The industry standard is 60-90 days from the order being accepted. Here we break it all down.
Company & Data Checks
We receive your signed order and Circuit Installation Details (CID) document. We check all the details for any errors, input them into our system and perform credit checks. We then place this order with the carrier.
We don’t need anything from you at this stage. This process can take up to 5 working days and if everything is okay, we’ll email you about Stage 2.
Days (up to)
Order Acknowledged
There is considerable communication between us and the carrier (BT, Virgin, Colt etc) as they add the project to their systems and perform their own checks on the details of the CID document. This stage is mostly work done by the carrier.
We don’t need anything from you at this stage unless errors have been identified or further information required. This stage can take up to 10 working days, but often quicker.
Days (up to)
Survey Planning
The order has been verified by the carrier and they begin to liaise with local engineers to organise a survey date.
We don’t need anything from you at this stage. The carrier will typically have the survey date ready within 10 working days depending on engineer availability.
Days (up to)
Survey Date & Delivery
We will have received the survey date and will immediately email you with the details. The survey takes place and the engineer writes up their notes. If additional works are required to deliver fibre, they will also provide an estimate for these.
You will need to confirm the survey date (or request a change) and make sure that the named site contact is aware and prepared for the arrival of the engineer. On the day they will need to meet the engineer and provide access to where the fibre is to terminate. After the survey has taken place the engineer will provide their written results within 10 working days.
Days (up to)
ECCs/Delivery Date
We will email you over one of two things
- An estimated delivery date for the connection of the fibre leased line
2. Details of the cost identified (ECCs) during the survey
If there are additional costs, we will discuss your options with you, but you are free to cancel the project at this stage without penalty, so there’s no risk to you. How long this takes depends on discussions around payment of ECCs. If there are no ECCs found the carrier will send out an email requesting access to site in the next 10 working days.
Days (up to)
On-site Works Date/Delivery
We will send you a date for the engineer to attend your site and install any cabling or perform works in preparation for the final fit and test. In some cases, the engineer will carry out the fit and test during this appointment. The engineer(s) will then arrive to perform these works.
We need you to confirm that the on-site works can take place on that date. On the day they will need to meet the engineer and provide access to where the fibre is to terminate. Following the date of the install/fit & test it can take up to 10 working days for the circuit to be handed over. If the Fit & Test was not completed then it will be up to 10 working days to arrange that appointment, but usually quicker.
Days (up to)
Fit & Test
We need you to confirm that the final fit and test can take place on that date. On the day they will need to meet the engineer and provide access to the termination point. The fit and test is usually completed within 5 days of our email to you (if you confirm that date). Then up to 10 working days for network team works and handover to us.
Days (up to)
Bring Live
We will arrange a conference call between you/a site contact, us, and someone from the carrier’s network team. During this call we will be confirming the physical setup of your router, and remotely bringing the circuit up, and running speed tests to make sure that the circuit is running correctly. Once tested, this will be brought live, and billing starts.
The site contact will need to be on-site with a laptop so that we can test the connection and speed.
The length of time for this stage depends on the availability of those required to bring it live. We will commence billing for this circuit 2 working days from the Stage 8 email date
Days (up to)
Service Handover
We will send over a Go Live Certificate with all the circuit details and your circuit will be added to our pro-active monitoring systems.
You don’t need to do anything during this stage.
You will receive the certificate within 2 working days of your circuit being operational.