Modern Slavery Act Statement
We are committed to running our business responsibly. We strive to maintain high ethical principles and to respect human rights and we do our best to encourage high standards in our supply chain, our partners and business.
At OptaNet we are committed to running our business responsibly. We strive to maintain high ethical principles and to respect human rights and we do our best to encourage high standards in our supply chain and business. We have been focussed on the rights and wellbeing of the people who work for us since we started in February 2012.
We have a long-standing policy that we will not use or accept forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour or child labour. Nor do we demand deposits or hold onto our workers’ identity papers, or work with businesses that do. We only work with people who choose to work freely. We respect the right to equal opportunity, freedom of association and collective bargaining.
We welcome our employees speaking up about any unethical behaviour and make it easy for them to do so via either their manager or our Compliance team. Our whistleblowing process allows employees to report any wrongdoing or behaviour they think goes against our standards.
We aim to prevent modern slavery or human trafficking in our business right at the start of our recruitment processes. This applies to all people hired, regardless of whether this is via our internal recruitment team or the use of external agencies. Once people join us, we give our new employees plenty of support, education and training. All new starters are made aware of our ethical policies and they are readily available to all employees. Failure of employees to behave ethically at work will, in appropriate cases, result in disciplinary action which ultimately could lead to dismissal depending on the circumstances.